La kundalini

   Bonjour Silke

Ici est ton Espace Perso

  Kriyas Energie Kundalini  
Raise kundalini in quick order (RenewtobeNew, Introdution to Kundalini Yoga, Sexuality and Spirituality)
Opportunity and green energy (RenewtobeNew, Transition to a heart-centered world, Heart Center mix, Introdution to Kundalini Yoga)
Relieve, Relax & Recharge (FountainOfYouth)

Sun energy (Transition to a heart-centered world)
to raise Kundalini 5 (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Yoga for circulation and energy  (OwnersManHumBody)
To Move The Navel Point, Stimulate Kundalini (Assisi Complete)
Connecting with your source of infinite energy (selfknowledge, Yoga of aging and chronic illness)
Easy medical meditation for energy (MedMeditation)
Creating and conserving pranic energy (selfknowledge)
Cleansing the Lymph glands & energy Balancing (Transition to a heart-centered world)
Change the Ions in the body (Physical Wisdom)
Balancing mental energy (PranayamPranaee)
Balancing Heaven and Earth (Transformation 1)
Angular body energy (selfknowledge)
Energizing : Increase solar energy (PranayamPranaee)
Energizing and Healing - Padmani Kriya (Slim & Trim)
Energizing the Self (Maintenance Yoga)
Exercices to Strengthen the Electric Force (Yoga for Health and Healing)
Fight brain fatigue (SelfExperience)
Fish Fry Kriya (Transition to a heart-centered world)
Popcorn Set (Transition to a heart-centered world)
Folding and unfolding of the energy (Infinity and me)
For a new energy balance (Kundalini yoga - Unlock your inner potential)
For energy and rejuvenation (Physical Wisdom)
For physical and mental vitality (Kundalini yoga - Unlock your inner potential)
for powerful energy (PranayamPranaee)
Freeing your energy to defeat depression  (ReachMeReach)
Glandular Balance and Gain in Energy (Slim & Trim)
Heat Up Your Energy (Assisi 2007 Final)
Highly Energetic Meditation (Expanding Intuition)
Killer Potency Exercice Set (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Potency & Potentiality (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Pour la vitalité, le courage et la persévérance. (SERIES DE YOGA SADHANA)
Serie to energize (Kundalini yoga - Unlock your inner potential)
Sex energy transformation (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Sexualität und Vitalität (Kundalini yoga Handbuch)
Stimulation Kundalini & Male potency (Sexuality and Spirituality)

Lava Yoga to raise kundalini and bliss (RenewtobeNew)
Le feu du dedans (Kundalini Yoga La science de l'être total)
Life-current kriya (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Maha Karma Shambhavi Kriya to purify and open energy centers (RenewtobeNew)
Meditation for absolutely powerful energy (KRI Crisis Kit)
Meditation pour développer une énergie d'une puissance absolue (survie crise)

Méditation pour voir et ressentir l'énergie de son corps (survie crise)

Méditation pour vous recharger complètement (survie crise)
Meditation to develop Vach siddhi (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Merger of Sun and Moon (The art of making sex sacred)
Meridian Stimulation Meditation (Expanding Intuition)
Pelvic balance, energy and potency (Sexuality and Spirituality)
Sending Prana (Sexuality and Spirituality)
The 4/4 breath for energy (RenewtobeNew)
The 4U to adjust the praanic energy (Yoga of aging and chronic illness)
The healing energies of the Earth and the Ether (SelfExperience, Yoga of aging and chronic illness)


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