
   Bonjour Silke

Ici est ton Espace Perso

  Les canaux de l'énergie  
Naadi cleansing (PranayamPranaee)
The Three Nadis – Altering Energy at your command  (PranayamPranaee)
The ida (selfknowledge)
Pingala (Yoga of aging and chronic illness)
The pingala (selfknowledge)

The Shushmana (selfknowledge)
Purifying the Shushumna, the central nerve channel (ReachMeReach)
Sushmuna (Yoga of aging and chronic illness)

Raja Yoga Meditation for Tapa (Transition to a heart-centered world)

Work on the meridians (Infinity and me)

se protéger contre les radiations 1 + 2 (Yoga for Health and Healing)


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