This is a real transcendental meditation as it was originally taught centuries ago. If the many teachers who have come to the United States to initiate students into secret mantras claiming to be transcendental meditations actually gave the undiluted techniques like this kriya, then we would be able to research the science of consciousness much more effectively. Transcendental meditations always have a breath rhythm and a hand mudra linked to the mantra. In the yogic scriptures, there are six pages written to tell the benefits of this single kriya. 

It allows you to control the senses and thoughts.
It balances the life nerves of prana and apana so that your health is improved and the lung capacity is increased. Once your lung capacity for normal breathing goes beyond 700cc's, your personality changes. The extra capacity sends an increasod vital force to the nervous system with each breath. Nerves that are strong give you patience. In this exercise, the body maintains a perfect equilibrium in the CO2 and O, exchange. The pressure on the tongue causes the thyroid and parathyroids to secrete. If you practice part I for 15 minutes, you may experience some pain in the ears. After 31 minutes, you may have a pain in the upper chest. These are the signs of the glands secreting and gaining a new balance. If you sincerely practiced part I for 31 minutes a day followed by the remaining exercises, this kriya could change your personality, your total lifestyle, and even your destiny.


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