Aspect 2 Manager Core Alignement Meditation  
Negative Mind x Ahangkar

Part 1: Right hand over left, palms face down at heart level. Thumb tips touch and point toward chest. Chant the sound Har (the creative energy of Infinity of God) at a steady pace. With each Har pull in the navel point and lift the chest up and forward. Then release the navel and allow your lower spine to rock back slightly. 

Continue for 3 to 11 minutes.

Part 2: Put hands in prayer pose with the thumbs crossed. Inhale deeply and begin to chop with the hands as you chant Har. Do it steadily 12x as your turn left, then 12x back to center, then  Xturning to the right, and finally 12x back to center. Inhale deeply; beginagain. 

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. 

To end, inhale and hold the breath, press the molars together, and continue the motion for one full cycle. Relax.

This meditation will integrate your time and how your internal self deals with all the projections through time.

This Aspect defends and preserves the balance of your identity and your projected roles under the pressure of actions, and under the influence of the expectations of others. It actively sets boundaries in relationships. The issue will be insecurity and distrust of appearance of others. It wants to know What is really going on. What is your intention? Too strong and you act rigid in a desperate search for the rules to make order out of everything. Once you have the rules you can manage and act perfectly. You act well at work but harbor strong resentment if you don' t have personal material and security to show for the efforts. Too weak you can feel overwhelmed, lose track of the rules, feel the world ignores your priorities, and you become very self- critical and sad. You look around for order rather than starting from your own internal center. Sometimes it has a barrier to joining emotionally. To cope, you may think too much, like the Historian, shift to please and find order, like the Chameleon, find hidden patterns that oppose you with your intuition, like the Judge. Balanced and fully developed, you can reduce conflicts, keep towards the main tasks and mission you took on, and protect your own interests. You are quite capable delaying pleasure and redirecting impulses in order to reach what is more important to you. You deliver a strong sense of order and take personal responsibility for action and for keeping things in proper sequence and use.


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