Projection 4 Historien: Relay of a past memory - Synchronization Meditation  
Cross Heart Kirtan Kriya

Sit straight. Cross the forearms below the wrists and hold them in front of the chest. Arms out slightly  palms up and a little toward the chest. Look down the tip of the nose. Begin to chant:

Saa taa naa maa 

as you play the fingers by touching the thumb tip to the fingertip the index then middle then ring then little finger. 

Continue 11 to 31 minutes.

Then inhale hold roll the eyes up and become completely still. Relax. The hemispheres will balance; the past will be processed and dumped; andinsecurity will vaporiz.

Memories flow constantly into our awareness. The Negative Mind sorts these to use only the ones that support your action and identity. Too strong and you can become fearful of past mistakes and traumas. You may be slow to change and need high levels of confidence before committing to a direction of action. You require evidence and repetition of things already certain. Too weak and you are blind sided by things you could have avoided through using past lessons. You let angers and frustrations from the past submerge and develop subconsciously. Balanced you learn quickly from the past to avoid your own traumas and those others and can rapidly come up with new plans to avoid old errors and clean up pas tmesses. You will be highly ethical and feel best when you can forgive all the errors you find others have made as you create new ways to move ahead.


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