Aspect 4 Artist Core Alignement Meditation  
Positive Mind x Manas

Sit straight. Spread the fingers of each hand wide with the palms facing up. Touch the sides of the tips of  the sun ring fingers together. The hands will slightly overlap with the left little finger lower than the right. No fingers other than the sun fingers should be touching. Place the mudra at the level of  the heartcenter. Eyes look down toward fingers. Mentally chant 

as in Kirtan Kriya as you mentally pulse the thumbtip with each finger tip in sequence. Breathe slow and deep, four times a minute or less.

Continue for 31 minutes.

This Aspect gives you extraordinary sensitivity to sensations, emotions, and impressions from nature and other people. Its basic urge is to create, elaborate, and express each sensation.
Too strong you seem bewitched by special people, places, and things. You see a richness that pulls you powerfully towards a sensation. You take risks, flirt with addictions, and find only positive impacts in tragedy, intense experiences, and change. You underestimate the future impact of your presentactions and explorations.
Too weak you lack spontaneous joy from all that happens and retreat to internal imagination to feel good. You suspect the passion you see in others has some other motive than stimulation or pleasure. You try to moderate your own desire to safe levels. Balanced the Artist explores every feeling by creating something to experience, to amplify, or to repeat. It is concerned with proportions, blends, and how to utilize what it senses. It is open to all opinions and loves diversity. Curiosity, wonder, and impatience are frequent moods for this Aspect. Your life becomes a work of art or an idiosyncratic piece of work. Moderation and dedication are essential.


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