Projection 14: Architect - Creating Art by Environmental Effects  
Positive Mind x Ahangkar / Positive

Synchronization Meditation

Sit straight. Palms together in prayerpose at the heartcenter. Focus at the browpoint. Inhale deeply and chant on a single breath: 

Raa raa raa raa 

Maa maa maa maa

Raamaa raamaa raamaa raamaa

Saa taa naa maa 

Ra is the sun energy, Maa is the moon energy

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes.

Then inhale, hold the breath and press palms together strongly. Exhale. Repeat three times and relax.

This meditation will keep the balance of boundaries and focus as resources and recognition pour in. It keeps you centered under the polarities and vectors contention that come with any significant project in life. It also increases creativity of the archetypal masculine/feminine mix.

This Projection is a power of the builder. It combines a sensation-seeker with pragmatic creative streak that asks, "How can I do something with this?" Everything that is seen is considered a potential for my purpose. You have seen artists wrap entire islands in pink plastic, and make a pattern lights across continents to be seen by passing satellites. Research scientists who are building tools from individual atoms are using this Projection when it comes to creating the engineering vision.
If this Projection is too strong you can be insensitive to the impact on others and on the environments you interact with.
Too weak and you have new theories and perceptions, but not the risk-taking attitude needed to initiate them.
When balanced there is no hesitation to see the potential of the environment in terms of how it useful for your project.


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