Projection 21 Guide - Judging positive Environments through Intuition  
NeutralMind x Manas / Neutral 

Kirtan Kriya

Sit straight in easypose. Meditate at the browpoint and chant the mantra:

Saa taa naa maa

Each repetition of the mantra takes 3-4 seconds. While chanting the elbows are straight and each fingertip touches in turn the tip of  the thumb with firm pressure. On Saa touch the indexfinger to the thumb. On Taa touch the middlefinger to the thumb. On Naa touch the ringfinger to the thumb. On Maa touch the little finger to the thumb. Then begin again at the indexfinger. Chant in the three languages of consciousness: human (normal or loud voice) , lovers (whispered), and divine (silent). Begin the kriya in a normal voice for 5 minutes, then whisper for 5 minutes and then go deep into the sound and vibrate it silently for 10 minutes. Then come back to a whisper for 5 minutes, and end with a normal voice for 5 minutes. 

Saa is Infinity. Taa is Life. Naa is Death. Maa is Rebirth/Transformation.

This describes the cycle of life. This kriya brings a total mental balance to the psyche

This Projection sees below the surface and knows with intuition the connections and consequences associated with a situation. When balanced it guides you to actions that are conscious and graceful. It knows which way to step, who to associate with, and how to maintain your identity in any environment.
If it is too strong, you will be attached to the insights you find everywhere. You may have a tendency to act like a psychic or master the environments through advice instead of action.
If it is too weak, you will react to th eenvironments and find yourself drawn away from your main path. You will think strategy is the same as opportunism and confuse flexibility with lack of direction from your own inner compass


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