Projection 25 Educator - Intuitive Assessment of Personality Defects to be Covered  
Neutral Mind x Buddhi / Negative

Tantric Kriya

Sit straight. Lift the chest slightly. Raise both hands in front of the chest at the level of the heart center. Place both palms facing upward. Interlace the fingers so they look like slightly curved swords pointing up and outward at 45°. The thumbs are relaxed but point forward. Focus the eyes downward past the nose. Take a breath and chant:

Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo 

Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo 

Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo 

Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo Wha hay Gu roo 

Inhale about 4 seconds and chant abut 12 seconds

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes

The best educator knows the weaknesses that must be recognized and compensated for in each student. Every subject has its own requirements that the student needs to match. When the subject is the Self, than the defects are often in the ego or the habits. When refined and balanced, this Projection alerts the mind to the habits and patterns that limit you when you want to respond to your insight and understanding of who you are and what to do. You can give effective and precise directives that help your students and collegues develop their potential.
If it is too strong, you can become darkly cynical or feel you do not belong to the people who are in your group or family. You have an insight that you know to be true, but feel it will not be accepted or understood by those to whom it matters.
If it is too weak, you act only as an instructor. You convey knowledge but lack the chisel that chips away the limitations in the student's mind.


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