Projection 3 Prospector: How to deal with a Coincidence - Synchronization Meditation  
7 Wave Sat Naam Meditation

Sit straight. Place the palms together at the center of the chest, thumbs touching the center of the sternum. With the eyes closed focus at the browpoint. Inhale deeply. With the exhale chant long Sat with  short Naarn Vibrate Sat in  6 waves, with Naarn forming the seventh. One each wave, thread the sound up through the chakras beginning at the base of the spine. On Naam project the sound through the crown  the head to Infinity. As the sound penetrates each chakra, gently pull the physical area of the body it corresponds to (i.e. rectum, sexorgans, navelpoint, heart, throat, browpoint, and crown of the head). 

Sat Nam means "Your identity is Reality or Truth" 

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes.

This meditation will give you balance and clear intuition.

If you know your purpose and goal, you can prospect for what is useful and what is not. Every coincidence is larger pattern in action.Relax and see beyond the surface to catch useful currents and be in the best position to act intelligently. Too strong you assess and doubt everything, look under the surface and test everyone for lies and fabrications.You are very loyal but prone to cut corners if you think you understand what is needed and they don t. If this projection is weak you may be overly fearful about future consequences of your actions and delay. You can overestimate the power or position of others or the level of intractability of the problem. Under stress you can withdraw into work and many tasks and not give your rich emotions a place for expression, not knowing what consequences they bring. So it is important to have hobbies or areas unrelated to your main job. When balanced you are an excellent financial officer, legal strategist, and cross-examiner.You keep everyone straight and notice things others do not, as you show intelligence and strategic vision capacity


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