Projection 1 Soldier: How to deal with a Threat - Synchronization Meditation  
Negative Mind x Manas / Negative - Synchronization Meditation

Sit with straight spine.  Relax arms at the sides with elbows against the ribs. Forearmsare parallel to theground and angled outward to form 60 degree angle between them. Hands are in closed Lotus Mudra the finger and thumbs tips all touching with thefingers and thumbs pointing up.Focus atthe browpoint. Inhale very deeply and fully Exhale completely. Lock the breath out. Pull the navel point in. Apply firm MulBandh. As you hold the breath out repeat mentally in 16 beats:

Saa taanaamaa




Then inhale deeply and exhale immediately. Continue for 3 minutes. This meditation takes you beyond all fear and lets the soldier act direct and true 

This Projection comes from the Negative Mind. It assumes you are personally at risk. Whatever challenges you does so with you as
an intentional target. Too strong and it can doubt itself feel it has not covered the threat enough. So it becomes driven and goes on anxious searches occasionally relentless inquisitions.
It can respond massively to a small threat to make sure there are
no survivors to be threat later. Too weak you think threats won't become real attack disaster. You require too much evidence and assume dangerous threats are intended for someone else or not intended at all. It is hard to imagine evil intent or ill will. When balanced you can respond quickly and fearlessly regardless
the apparent size of the problem or opposition.
You use a single minded focus on duty and objective by systematically eliminating everything that doesn t lead to your goal. You are serious and focused. Everything you do or others do around you must move toward your objective and not limit or hurt your position.


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