Kundalini-Yoga Rabat
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  Projection 8 Integrator: Mental Intersection  
Negative Mind x Buddhi / Positive


Sit straight with elbows by your sides. Place your hands at shoulder height by your sides, with palms forward and hands in GianMudra (index fingertip on the thumbtip). Pull the shoulders back and lock them. Look at the tip of the nose. Chant in a steady, clipped or marching cadence:

Har Har whahay guroo

Use one complete breath for each repetition of the mantra. Use the tip of the tongue on Har and move the lips distinctly on the rest. 

Continue for 31 minutes.

As the sound walks up your spine, you balance all the five elements and passions in the midst of activity.

This Projection is resourceful, inventive, and expansive. You gain clarity and insights into self and circumstance and find the ability to make useful connections.
Too much this Projection, and you will feel prematurely complete, jump the gun on action without full depth.
Too little and you will feel somewhat dependent on others and the environment around you.
Balanced you feel complete. Resources appear all around you. You can accurately assess your current skill, impact, and the connections created from your efforts.