Kundalini-Yoga Rabat
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  Projection 15: Entrepreneur - Creating Art by Projecting into the Future  
Positive Mind x Ahangkar / Neutral

Naad Meditation to Communicate from Totality 

Part 1
Sit straight in easypose. Close the eyes or keep them 1/l0th open. Bring the hands next to the shoulders with the palms forward the fingers pointing up and the wrists straight. Relax the elbows by your sides. Place each hand in Gian Mudra. Inhale and chant the following mantra in a strong monotone cadence:

Wha wha hay hay
Wha wha hay hay
Wha wha hay hay Gu roo

With each sound move both hands forward and back quickly as if you were throwing darts. They should move forward 12 to 18 inches. Inhale after Guroo while the hands pause.

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. 

Part 2 
Immediately sit straight and place the hands on top of the head. Interlace the fingers. Create a mild pressure on top of the head. Twist smoothly side to side. Inhale as you twist left exhale right.

Continue for 3 minutes. 

End: Inhale to the center and hold the breath as you concentrate on the crown of the head. Then relax. 

This meditation lets you merge into the feeling of totality. When you speak from that feeling you create trust. With trust you establish strong relationships.

The future, thevision what each seed will become is tangible. This Projection gives you confidence in your assessment of the reality of your own efforts. You are an alchemist of the future self. "How can I leverage what I have by astute assessment of what is and see what becomes?" In business you are an entrepreneur in art a visionary, in science a researcher, in religion a revitalizing reformer.
When balanced you display a combination of gut instincts cool assessment, and strong personal ownership of the action.
Too much and you can stand alone in your vision. You may become embittered or cynical at the lack of clarity in others to comprehend what you know as a fact
Too little and you sense the right direction to go but seek more confirmation from others. You might also test others for their loyalty to your ideas to be sure of your own vision.