Kundalini-Yoga Rabat
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  Aspect 6 Missionary Core Alignement Meditation  
Positive Mind x Buddhi

Kundalini Yoga Laya Meditation

Sit straight. Put the palms together in prayerpose at the center of the chest. Focus through the browpoint. Chant: 

Ek ong kaar-a 

Saa taa naamaa-a 

Siree whaa-a 

Hay guroo 

One Creator Creation 

True Identity 

Great IndescribableWisdom

The chant is very precise. On Ek pull in the navel. On each "a" lift the diaphragm up firmly. Relax the navel and abdomen on Hay guroo The sound has a "spin" to it It is a 3 1/2 cycle rhythm. As you chant imagine energy and sound spiraling up and around the spinal cord in a right-handed helix. Start at the base of  the spine as you initiate the energy form the navel. End with focus over the head to the Cosmos on Hay guroo

Continue for 31 minutes.

This extraordinary Laya Yoga Chant will bring your soul and destiny present. It will suspend you above conflicts attracted by success and the activity of the Positive Mind. It will let your activity serve your purpose. It will make you creative and focused on your real priorities and help you sacrifice what is needed to accomplish them.

The Positive Mind gives the quality of action, involvement and passion. It gives the power to grasp and magnify. The Buddhi Mind gives discernment about what is real and from your own essence. It also gives you intuition to see through time and to discern the cycle of time. The result is to pursue the expression of an essence through time.
Too strong and you leap into good work or push a good thing at the wrong place or time. You project your essence or destiny on to others and assume they are ready and want what you have seen. You become preachy and pushy. Impatience leads to poor judgement. This is the down fall of many spiritual leaders.
Too weak you could leap towards temporary success in the spirit of the cause. You do not accept feedback from others nor see the full impact of your actions since you are convinced they are positive. You pursue success rather than the cycle of success. When this Aspect is balanced you are successful and strategic in action not just tactical. You have an expanded sense of life. You feel that the Infinite Will and yours act together. Strong actions combined with non-attachment make life a dance with much creativity and gratitude.