Kundalini-Yoga Rabat
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  Projection 18 Creator - Persuing the Art of Cohesiveness  
Positive Mind x Buddhi / Neutral 

Synchronization Meditation 

Part 1

Sit straight with the right hand in a pledge position near the shoulder, palm forward,  fingers up wrist straight elbow by the side. The left hand is palm up, as if to catch water elbow by the side hand at heart levels lightly in front of the torso. Look down the nose. Inhale steadily and deeply through the round· lips Exhale slowly through the nose. Keep the breath powerful and less than four times a minute.

Continue 11 to 31 minutes. 

Part 2 

Immediately cross the hands over the heartcenter right over left. Close the eyes. Have the thought  of STILLNESS or no thought. Let every thing go through you without reaction. Breathe extremely slowly and meditatively. Continue for 3 minutes. 

Part 3

Without a break put both palms flat together in prayerpose. Place the middle joints of the thumbs on the browpoint. Focus at the brow and chant:

Ong namo guroo dev namo 

I bow to the Creator, I bow to the Divine Wisdom

Feel the vibration at the browpoint and in the entire skull. 

Continue for 3 to 11  minutes. Inhale deeply press the palms together as you squeeze the spine roll the eyes up and concentrate your energy at the brow. Exhale force fully through the mouth. Repeat this breath three times. Relax.

The mind is cohesive when all the thoughts flow around a central focus. When it establishes a consolidated attitude it guides all of the senses to enrich and elaborate that central focus. When balanced this Projection uses that laser-like focus to plant seeds of core concepts and feelings. The Projection can hold the mind' s attention to that seed thought so that it is nurtured by all the other activities in the mind and it eventually unfolds and bears fruit. This Projection also gives you the insight to recognize the quality of uniqueness in your words and actions. You feel like a creator who acts and finds the reflections of that act everywhere.
Too weak and you are unclear what seed you planted. You mistake one thought for another.
Too strong and you become detached instead of staying active to insure the seed develops. You lose the sense of ownership over your creations