Kundalini-Yoga Rabat
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  Aspect 7 Strategist - Core Alignement Meditation  
Neutral Mind x Manas

Sit straight. Start by interlacing the fingers one hand into the other. Now extend the little fingers ringfingers and middlefingers so they lay against the same fingers of the opposite hand and so all point straight up. Separate the base of the palms about 4 inches so the three fingers form a teepee and around space opens between the two index fingers on top, and the two thumbs,  below. Raise this mudra up to your face and put your nose in the opening between index fingers and thumbs. The index fingers rest near the bridge of the nose. The thumbs cross just under the nose but do not block the nostrils. The other fingers point straight up. Elbows are relaxed. Focus at the brow point and chant the following mantra:

Har har  Gobinday (God sustainer)

Har har  Mukanday (liberator)

Har har  Udaray (uplifter)

Har har  Apaaray (carrying through)

Har har  Hareeang (destroyer)

Har har  Kareeang (creator)

Har har  Nirnaamay (beyond category)

Har har  Akaamay (beyond desire)

Each line of the mantra has two Hars and another word to make three beats. As you chant press the tips of the three fingers in sequence. Begin with the middlefingertips pressing firmly on the first Har. Then the ringfingers on the next Har and finally the little fingertips on Gobinday. For the next line begin Har on the little fingertips and work forward. Continue through all 8 lines of the mantra so you end back on the middle fingertips. As you chant these motions become smooth and automatic. Then your attention goes deep into the sound itself. Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. Then inhale deeply, hold, and focus at the brow. Then exhale powerfully through the mouth. Repeat this final breath sequence three times and then relax.

The Neutral Mind gives you a constant assessment of and alertness to what ever comes to you. Manas makes you aware of impressions made in your senses in your environment it self or through subconscious imprints. You are less aware of your self as a subject. You seek a perspective on things and events that lets you sense the reality and long term impact of your actions.
Too strong, you are cool, collected, and not involved. You decide about actions and things very accurately but miss the impact on your personal life and relationships. You can also be adedicated to finding an answer in the material the seen and the provable.
Too weak you will be entangled in the results and impacts on people of your actions. You may have conflicts over duty versus love effort versus reward or roles versus your own sense of authenticity.
Balanced you find meanings and consequences in events that others do not. Your agenda is impersonally personal. You don' t mind losing a battle if you win the war. Small clues reveal pathways others have simply overlooked. You can find and arrange resources masterfully. You may not manage them operationally but you can recognize attract and gather them.